The “potluck” is one of the greatest things about going to a small church. For those who have never experienced it, it is a full range buffet with only the most delectable foods made by the moms and grandmas of your church. Tables are set up so that all of the congregation may have their fill and then enjoy the company of one another. This usually happens right after the traditional “service,” however it should just be seen as an extension of the gathering. This gathering is downright biblical as well! The new creation and the forever reign of Christ is filled with “potluck” imagery (Luke 14:12-24). However, the potluck is also one of the areas in which Christians have sinned the most without even realizing it.
Lets just say for example that I brought beer to the church potluck. Depending on your church, there would most likely be an uproar. Although there is nothing in Scripture that prohibits alcohol, many Evangelicals have barred it from church service and events so as not to get anywhere near the sin of drunkenness which is certainly prohibited. Their reasoning is not bad however. They don’t want to stumble anyone who might have a tendency to over drink, especially at church! They may agree that in moderation, alcohol is a good thing, but they don’t ever want to risk abusing this good thing. Yet, as I am being mildly reprimanded for bringing a six-pack to the potluck, Miles, the mildly overweight jr. higher is following the footsteps of the elders as he goes back to the table for plate number four.
Gluttony is the habitual act of overeating. In Scripture, gluttony is often compared to drunkenness.
Hear, my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in the way. Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags. (Proverbs 23:19-21 ESV)
The Potluck is just as much an opportunity for sin as the six-pack of beer. Food, and especially the glorious food from the ladies at your church, is a good thing. Yet, too much of it, and it easily abused. For the person that is naturally inclined to eat more than they should, the potluck is a danger zone of temptation. Unfortunately, no one seems to mind. “Foodies” are celebrated as they enjoy exquisite cuisine, rich in flavor. Yet proverbs 23 exhorts us with this wisdom,
“When you sit down to dine with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you, And put a knife to your throat If you are a man of great appetite. Do not desire his delicacies,For it is deceptive food. (Proverbs 23:1-3 NASB)
What then about the potluck? Must we do away with it all together? Certainly not! As stated previously, Potlucks can be a wonderful way to experience community and look forward to the coming Kingdom of God. However, we must use wisdom. In the same that the Christian drinks, but is careful not to abuse alcohol, so must the Christian eat, but not abuse his appetite. Self-control is the byproduct of the Spirit’s work in the christian life. This self-control must be performed in all aspects, including Sunday morning at the church potluck.
Practically, the christian can combat gluttony by simply eating to their appropriate fill of food while understanding that this good food is a gift from God that is not to be abused. Sometimes after church, I will go to a small Mexican food restaurant called Pepe’s. It has one of the best breakfast burritos I’ve ever had. This burrito is literally bigger than my face, yet every Sunday, I am tempted to eat it all. For me, and my appropriate fill of food, I can eat three quarters of it. Anything more, and I will feel sick, lethargic, and just not myself. For me, this is gluttony. Walking in the Spirit and having self-control means watching how much I eat, not for dietary reasons, but for spiritual reasons.
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