Here we are isolated from one another in our homes and apartments in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19. Naturally, there’s been lots of questions back and forth of how to stem the virus and what should remain open and what should be closed until a later date. Then comes the questions of what to do with our worship services. Do the services keep going (similar to the times of the plague in Europe)? Or since we know better concerning modern medicine, do we stay at home and stream our worship services instead? Suddenly everyone’s an expert and sharing their opinions on social media. Here’s the catch – it seems we’ve been the ones doing all the talking and no one’s really been listening to the opinion of the one who really matters most – how about Jesus?
Disclaimer – while I have experienced some very powerful workings of the Holy Spirit in my life, I’m not claiming God has talked to me about COVID-19. But as I scour the scriptures, I have discovered Jesus dealing with situations just like COVID-19. Jesus encountered some pretty nasty scenarios and his response was to heal every disease and affliction. Why? Because he had compassion for the people as they were harassed and helpless due to the horrible conditions which they had to face on a daily basis. In other words, if we were to ask Jesus for a word on COVID-19, he just might ask us about our own practices of compassion.
Lots of Christians claim to be life-affirming for the unborn, but where is the compassion for those who struggle with living after birth? If every life is truly precious and created in the image of God, then doesn’t that same standard apply to every other threat to life as well? Meaning in the end, we need to do all that we can to stem the tide of COVID-19 because that’s the compassionate, life-affirming thing to do.
Granted, one might appeal to statistics of the common flu or car accidents. The statisticians are right – every death due to the common flu or a car accident doesn’t break our hearts as much as COVID-19. But those deaths should. The issue is that no death should ever be considered collateral damage. No one is just a statistic. Every life is important and every life matters. Perhaps we should be doing more about the flu and car accidents. The point is, that right now, it’s not the flu or car accidents that is concerning all of us. Instead, our entire planet is concerned about the spread of COVID-19.
Temporarily worshipping via online services makes sense. Why? Because the compassionate people of God ought to be caring and protective of every life possible. And by secluding ourselves for a few weeks and washing our hands a bit more maybe we can save a few more lives. My wife and kids and extended family are important to me. I would be devastated should any of them succumb to this illness. Yet no matter their age or level of susceptibility, none of them are just a statistic. They are created in the image of God and have wonderful lives to live – full of beauty, gifts, and love. For any of them to die due to COVID-19 would be heart breaking.
Therefore, I practice compassion and do all that I can for both family and neighbor that no one should have to succumb to this illness. And yes, I believe the word of Jesus for the hour is “compassion” because every life matters, every life is precious. If we really claim to be “pro-life” then now’s the time to prove it with every ounce of Holy Spirit empowered compassion he has available to each of us.
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