If one member suffers, all suffer together;
– 1 Corinthians 12:26
I’m going to be addressing an issue that I couldn’t possibly hope to fully articulate nor cover in a single post, so I’d like to ask for grace in that from all parties reading before I get started. What I do hope to address is the rather vitriolic nature that is brought out among the body when it is discussed, which is divisive in such a way that it needs to be addressed.
I’m having a hard time thinking of a single title that unites all the topics that are fairly interconnected, so here are a few to give you an idea of what’s being addressed: Concepts relating to “White Privilege,” “Black Lives matter,” “Institutional and Systemic Racism,” and possibly the most ill-defined and flexible word I’ve ever had the fun of defining, “Culture.” These topics are all part of the general idea that I’m addressing.
I’ve met people on both sides of the spectrum – outright deniers that any such inequalities exist, and people who think white people are actually all inherently evil – neither of which I’m comfortable with. However only the latter group is being addressed in this, as the former will have to be from another person at another time.
Brothers and sisters, part of the body is suffering. This much is plain. If you don’t believe that there is inequality in our country, at least be willing to listen to and understand the part of the body that is pleading with you. If we’re all called to suffer together, viciously denouncing a movement of an entire race of brothers and sisters whose honest desire is to be treated without bias is one of the worst things we can do.
Take Job for example: Job, having done nothing wrong, is denounced by his friends and accused of actually being wicked. Now change up the examples a little bit, people complaining to their body that they’re being unfairly oppressed and being told by other members of the body that they must have actually done something to deserve it and that they should stop complaining. I think there’s more similarities here than we’re comfortable to admit.
Maybe it’s time that we, as one body, drop the animosity and defensiveness that so often accompanies these conversations and instead approach it in humility and with the intent to sacrifice and love those in the body.
Next time you’re about to post something that says, “All Lives Matter,” or “White Privilege is a MYTH,” remember that not only does the issue go deeper than you’re probably aware of, that people within the body who are being affected are seeing that and having their pain utterly dismissed without even a chance to explain. Remember, this is not just a movement for black members at church, but it is our battle entirely as The Church.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
– Galatians 3:28
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