I want to begin by making it abundantly clear that I love America. I love the unparalleled freedoms & opportunities we’ve been granted. Most of all, I love the ideals that America was based on, but this is a nation that has fallen far from those truths that we used to hold to be self-evident — that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . America has abandoned George Washington’s belief that “(T)he foundation of our national policy [is] laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality; …the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained…” America now worships at the altar of the gods of Selfishness and Choice, where even life and death is a matter of personal freedom. The ideals that our founding fathers set in ink the Declaration of Independence and our constitution have been so twisted as to make our founding fathers the progenitors of a nation that has rent, poisoned, and lobotomized more than 55,000,000 of its own people, in the name of freedom. In no good conscience should I or any other Christian ever pray the words “God bless America.”
I write this article to those who consider themselves to be Christians, believe that life begins at conception, and hold the conviction that abortion is murder in the eyes of God. With that said, America’s 1.2 million annual abortions are outpaced only by Russia’s 2.8 million and China’s 13 million. With the exception of these three, nowhere in the history of human existence has one nation committed such extensive murder. Arguably, that makes America the 3rd greatest murderer in the history of all mankind, far surpassing the likes of Hitler’s murder of 6,000,000 Jews and Stalin’s 20,000,000 estimated victims.
How can we claim to be less guilty than those nations which God promised to Israel he would drive out before them, because of their great wickedness (Deut. 9:5)? We who’ve murdered the equivalent of one-quarter of the world’s population at the time of Christ? Before entering the Promised Land, in Deuteronomy 12, God warned the Israelites to not be ensnared by the detestable things of the surrounding nations, and the only specific evil he mentions is that these nations sacrifice their children (v. 31). And if God did not spare the community of people, which he promised to Abraham he would “make…into a great nation” (Genesis 12:2), when they “shed the innocent blood… of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood…” (Psalm 106:37-38), what should America expect?
But you might say, “What have I done? What crime have I committed?” Rest assured, you’re standing in front of God is not just as an individual but as part of a nation, and God will judge the nations (Psalm 110:6). A nation’s punishment falls on the heads of the people of that nation, even those who have not participated in the actions that lead to punishment. Did not 24,000 of the number of Israel die because of Korah’s rebellion (Num. 25:9)? And was not all of Israel subject to the sword of the Babylonians, with even the righteous few among the remnant carried off into captivity (2 Chron. 36:17-20)? What more can we say for America, the nation that has murdered a generation, whose very blood cries out from the ground.
What more can I say for this nation that I love? If God judged Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin, he will judge us for ours. Furthermore, I will say this: “God is not slow in keeping his promises… Instead he is patient…not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). Christians should not ask God to “bless America.” Instead, we should heed Jonah’s call to Ninevah to repent of evil ways. We must pray for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-3), act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with our God (Mic. 6:8) and pray that hearts would be struck to the core with conviction that leads to repentance, manifesting in revival, from this most pernicious evil to which we have been tacit participants. I do not mince my words, repentance often follows firm discipline, but this is better than the alternative.

Matt Taylor hales from the great Midwestern state of Ohio, where God blesses folks with good manners, good looks, and good thinking. He’s a graduate of Biola University, having majored in Mass Communications and minored in Biblical Studies. In his free time, he enjoys keeping active, reading good books, and writing the next great American novel.
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