Dear Wormwood, Seeing as your Uncle Screwtape is busy after being promoted to a particular world leader, he has handed you over to me. Now, my dear Wormwood, I see that the possibility of a human war, and all that leads up to it, has enticed you. It is of vital importance to your mission that you remember your greatest weapon: a worldly contentedness. Perhaps you wonder, “But what sort of man would be content...
“Probably not pastoral.” I scribbled this note in the margins of Book IX of Augustine’s On the Trinity. He was in the middle of some obscure-sounding argument that the Trinity makes sense of the biblical idea that “God is love.” Because the act of love, “involves three things… a person who loves, that which is loved, and love,” we can understand that the Father loves the Son with the love who is the Holy Spirit. These...
Grief hurts. And it hurts for at least two reasons. There is on one hand the active pain of a particular loss. On the other, there is the God-problem: ‘How could God let this happen?’ I think C.S. Lewis gives us a great framework in his memoir, A Grief Observed. Three Views of God The occasion for Lewis’ reflections in A Grief Observed is the tragic death of his wife and his consequent grief. His reflections...
I am pleased to say that my newest article has just appeared in the latest issue of Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal—the only academic journal devoted exclusively to the life and work of C. S. Lewis. My article is on C. S. Lewis’ (arguably) greatest work of fiction, Till We Have Faces, and looks at the potential influence of the biblical book of Esther on the novel. Below is the title and the abstract...
There are so many weddings in June. The arrival of the long-expected day and the celebration of unity contains, in part, a kind of poetic enchantment that lingers like the small flames of tea lights on the banquet tables. I taste, if just for an evening, a sip of greater beauty. Then I drive home, change laundry, and decide to wait on the dishes sitting in the sink shabbily dressed with the grotesque remains of dried...
Last week Deseret News put out an article on how various religious groups would respond to the discovery of life on other planets. It’s an interesting article and you should check it out here. A religious survey was conducted by Prof. David Weintraub who teaches astronomy at Vanderbilt. Among the highlights of his study is the conclusion that Buddhists would be particularly comfortable with the discovery of life on other planets, whereas evangelical Christians would...
Is there any good reason—biblical, philosophical, scientific or otherwise—to believe in innate morality? This post is partly a sequel to my earlier response to Ray Comfort’s video, Evolution vs. God. If you haven’t seen the video or read my comments about the video, check it out here. I don’t intend to rehash that earlier post, nor do I want to address the Creation debate or the human origins debate further. Rather, after watching that video it...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see God? If you haven’t had this thought before, think about it for a second with me. Let’s rephrase the question, have you ever wondered what it will be like to see God? Of course, no one can see God and live (Ex 33:20), but what about the new resurrected humanity? Will things be different? Will we be changed in such a way that we’ll...
Dedication: This article is dedicated to my lovely wife who has walked through a dark valley with me; to Dave Stelling who has counseled me through much despair; to pastor Chris Lent who has been a faithful shepherd of my soul in turbulent waters; to my family and church family (both in Colorado and Florida) who have prayed for me relentlessly and finally, to all those who have faced debilitating anxiety and panic. May you...
I have just recently returned to St Andrews from a wild couple of weeks that included a hitch-hiking competition. Every year, the University of St Andrews Charities Campaign puts on an event called “Race 2.” The goal of the competition is to get from point A to point B as fast as you can. Only there’s one catch: you can’t spend any money. The destinations change each year and this year 83 teams of 2-3...
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