In Time’s article on “7 Surprising Health Benefits of Gratitude,” Ducharme discusses different benefits of being thankful. The seven benefits include how gratitude can make us more patient, improves relationships, improves self-care, improves sleep, stops overeating, can help ease depression, and give happiness that lasts. These findings aren’t too surprising as it makes sense that gratitude is directly linked to positive well-being. There’s a reason why Paul said in Philippians 4:4-7, Rejoice in the Lord...
“It may seem like a Cat Poster, but you must believe,” is one of my favorite quotes in The Lego Movie. In a crisis moment where the protagonist, Emmet, doesn’t know what to do and feels hopeless, his mentor, Vitruvius, tells him to believe, even though it may seem like a cliche from a Cat Poster. (And later in the movie, it turns out that it is actually written on a Cat Poster.) This quote...
Instead of writing something myself this week, I wanted to share-with her permission–a post from my dear friend Adria Murphy. When I read this, it spoke words of truth and comfort to that fearful part of my heart that is always unable to understand or accept that God loves me unconditionally, forever. Hopefully, this will bring encouragement to you, wherever you stand in relation to God’s love. –Carolyn I have boundary issues. Every time I...
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