Photo Credit: The Handmaid’s Tale, a popular Hulu drama series, just won eight Emmy Awards, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series. The series, which is based on the book by Margaret Atwood, follows the story of Offred, a handmaid, during a time where America falls under an extreme fundamentalist “Christian” totalitarian state of Gilead. In this dystopian society, women are enslaved and some are assigned roles of “handmaids,” where they are...
As a student of medical social work, I oftentimes end my days with many serious stressors on my mind. My work involves situations of life and death, and other very heavy events. Because of this, I often find myself coming home and at the least watching one television show to get my mind focused on something funny and light-hearted. My friends and family enjoy giving me a hard time because some of my favorite shows...
I don’t know about you but advertisements bug me. It’s not so much the fact that they exist, but the methods used. I have often tried to corner my buddies studying Business Marketing into admitting that they specialize in deception, lightheartedly of course. But what particularly annoys me is when advertisements do not indicate anything about the product. From my analysis (merely as a consumer) I have begun to group various types of marketing strategies...
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