There has been much clamoring surrounding the fiscal cliff of late. Interest groups of every shape and color want to make sure they aren’t the ones to feel the blunt force of spending cuts or tax increases. One interest group has caught my eye amidst the commotion. This is the adoptive families interest group. For months now, politically active Christian groups have been raising quite a stink about the adoption tax credit (standing near 13k) […]
As I am writing this I am currently recovering from celebrating New Years Eve at Times Square in New York City with co-blogger Caleb Johnson. Nearly ten hours of waiting in the cold on Broadway… It was a lot of fun, but I’m completely exhausted. Yet before I went to bed I wanted to reflect a little on the best posts here at The Two Cities from the past year. By far the best post […]
As the New Year is approaching, I cannot help but to remember my past and stand in awe of God. June 2013 will mark my ten-year anniversary of being a Christian, and August 2013 will bring my 30th birthday! Spending the entirety of my twenties figuring out life as a Christ follower has been challenging, rewarding, and completely life altering. 2013 will also bring the opportunity to be a full-time writer here at The Two […]
We’ve all heard it before—Bill O’Reilley’s rants over the “War on Christmas”. Bill doesn’t like when people call Christmas trees, “Holiday Trees”. He thinks gender-neutral toy commercials offend the little baby Jesus, and don’t even think about taking the “Christ” out of Christmas. But I am here today to tell you about a different war on Christmas — a war that impacts over 19.7 million people every year. This war is so painful, and brings […]
For many in Newton, Connecticut, the idea of celebrating Christmas ideals of cheer, joy, and peace seem inhumane this December 25th. Smiling and happiness in the face of massacre, pain, and mourning… doesn’t seem right. In fact, celebrating amidst such darkness almost brings on a feeling of shame. To do anything other than to grieve almost seems to heartlessly make like of the situation. To turn a blind eye to such atrocity would certainly […]
A few weeks ago my wife and I were officially appointed as missionaries for a sending agency based out of Orlando Florida. For many, being accepted by a mission agency represents an important milestone on the path to the mission field. In our case, this moment was exciting but it was not the most significant event on the path to the mission field. That designation belongs to my home church in Parker Colorado, where I […]
With the recent tragedy in Connecticut there is reason to doubt. Last friday I was driving in my car listening to talk radio. The entire show was dedicated to the day’s horrific events. At one point the host started to explain that although he is not religious, he is ‘spiritual’. He stated emphatically that he ‘knows’ there is a god of some kind, but events like the one that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary […]
On days like this one, we feel it more, we see it more. Some of us may only see, while others are closer and may feel. We don’t always get to choose which of the two we are. But once you are of those that feel, you cannot go back to merely seeing. A day of tragedy, loss, violence. A run of events beyond our control, with images that are available for all to see, […]
“Pooh-pooh to the Whos!” he was grinch-ish-ly humming. “They’re finding out now that no Christmas is coming! “They’re just waking up! I know just what they’ll do! “Their mouths will hang open a minute or two “Then all the Whos down in Who-ville will all cry BOO-HOO!” “That’s a noise,” grinned the Grinch, “That I simply must hear!” So he paused. And the Grinch put a hand […]
Anyone who’s come over for dinner has seen my collection of Peruvian oil paintings of the Virgin Mary. Several years ago, a spending spree and newfound obsession with Catholic art (despite being a Reformed Baptist) landed me with a few too many Marys: three hanging in the hallway and one above my bed. Buyer’s remorse aside, they’re gorgeous. Several of them depict the virgin mother cradling the infant Jesus—a beautiful, visual reminder of the miracle […]
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