How do you replace a legend? When an iconic sports figure leaves the sport he loves, how does that team ever replace him? It comes to no surprise to those who know me that I am a die-hard fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins. I remember staying up late on a number of occasions to watch the Pens play deep into overtime in the Stanley Cup playoffs (side note: The Pens have played in two of […]
I HATE the church, but I LOVE Jesus I hear this so much. Stay with me, I’m probably going to get a little offensive. This strange separation of faith and community is all over the place. I have gone to the same church my entire life. It isn’t a perfect church, but it’s the family that I belong to. As I have grown up there I have watched literally hundreds of people bail and either […]
A few months ago, a family member brought a particular newspaper article to my attention. The title “New Testament gets a new look by Jews.” As someone who is very interested in not only the study of the Old Testament, but also the Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament, and the Christian faith, this seemed quiet intriguing. After all, the more I have learned to try to adjust my worldview, experiences, and perceptions of God […]
Have you seen Prometheus yet? If you haven’t you may want to stop reading. However, if you’ve decided you don’t want to see Prometheus, then consider this blog post an invitation. I was able to see Prometheus on June 1 since it had an early release in the UK. I’ve been waiting to write about the movie until it screened in the US this past weekend. I had been eager to see the movie for […]
The Replacements is on TV when I walk into the living room. I suffer through the last ten minutes, not because I’m particularly interested in character development (if you can call it that), but because of the score. Not the scoreboard—the musical score. It’s the fourth quarter of the game that could send the orange team to the playoffs, but they’re down 17-0. After a scolding from the coach and several tiffs among teammates, a […]
Life offers us a lot to worry about. To jump to the chase, I can unload a couple of examples from my own past 2-3 weeks: -Pressing through the late nights (1-2 AM nights) finishing study preparation for finals, completing final projects, and otherwise, officially concluding the semester with performance quality that I not only want to be honoring of Him, but also keeping the academic record strong enough to keep the door open for […]
Last week I reviewed mewithoutYou’s new album, Ten Stories. As I wrote the review I thought about the idea of “Christian Music.” This is something that I’ve been wrestling with for a while. For some Christians, they only listen to “Christian Music” and deem it a sign of impiety to do otherwise. I imagine this is a minority view among evangelicals, but it’s still prevalent. I want to say much more about whether the nomenclature […]
If you haven’t heard it from Lady Gaga, you’ve heard it from those who struggle with (or embrace) homosexuality: “I was born this way.” Do you believe them? The catchphrase might match your theology more than you think. In a Christian worldview, the “born this way” theory fits squarely into the doctrine of original sin—the belief that we all inherited a sinful nature because of Adam’s sin. King David sings of being “brought forth in […]
Editors note: This is part two in a two part series looking back at the end of Major League Baseball’s so-called Steroids Era. For part one click here. For a baseball fan growing up in Northern California, the late-90s and early 2000s were a great time. After some lean years through the mid-90s, the Oakland A’s began to turn things around. Carried by three great starting pitchers, 2 MVPs, and the exploitation of […]
The 2012 season marks 10 years since Major League Baseball began testing for performance enhancing drugs, precipitating the end of what has come to be known as the Steroids Era. Fans everywhere nodded in approval while mumbling that it was about time they did something. They then collectively fell asleep as scores started dropping and became frustrated when their kids lost interest in a sport that featured fewer measuring tape homeruns hit by players resembling […]
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