The idea of launching this blog was first discussed last Fourth of July weekend.
As I have grown older I believe I am able to better discern situations, and make a decisions based on what God’s will is for my life. Many people call this a “conscience”… or maybe just common sense. Some people say that they just do what “feels right”, and all of these things describe this feeling I have when I know that something is wrong or right in the eyes of the Lord. I made […]
Unrequited Love: Divine Plan, or Sin’s Consequence? This week marks the annual passing of Saint Valentine’s Day, or, as many of us experience it, “Singles Awareness Day.” In my personal opinion, neither singles nor couples tend to really look forward to it (but perhaps that just means I surround myself with cheap or mopey people). Personally, it feels like the government keeps it on the calendar as a means of keeping the likes of Hallmark, […]
On Saturday, celebrated singer Whitney Houston was found dead in her Beverly Hilton hotel room—her body submerged in bathwater, bottles of prescription pills close by. The story is still developing, and like many celebrity death tales, will probably remain steeped in scandal and speculation. In the meantime, there are some theological takeaways. Death has a way of bringing out the good, the bad, and the gospel. Whitney’s talents point to God as gift-giver. Whitney took […]
It’s time to make a significant difference in our homes; specifically with regard to the spiritual formation of our children. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, my wife and I are becoming expert empty-nesters. I believe we have a way to go before hitting the “veteran” level. But right now, we have adjusted to the quiet and the freedom. Our daughters have been on their own for a number of years. One is married […]
For some of us, the imperative in this title might be license to freedom- a liberating release from the rigidity of the daily and mundane to play in the boundless world of our richest thoughts. For others (and most of the time, me), it spawns a sign or a roll of the eyes. “What good is the imagination?” my conscious might say. How can something so ethereal be helpful in ever delivering something concrete and […]
On a weekly monthly sporadic basis we have a post called “Around the Town” in which we draw your attention to some articles the contributors to The Two Cities have read that we think are worth your while. If you’ve read any of them, hopefully you agree. What you may not have noticed or ever clicked on is the blogroll at the bottom of our homepage. Each of links featured there is to a blog that at […]
NT Wright’s new book, How God Became King: The Forgotten Story of the Gospels, is due out this upcoming March. I was able to send Prof. Wright a few questions about this forthcoming book for the blog and he graciously agreed to answer them for The Two Cities. My questions are highlighted in bold: 1) Where does your new book, How God Became King, fit within your previous works? In one sense it simply fills in some […]
Ask a Calvinist when he was saved and he might take you back—waaaay back—to “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4). Nice one! Five points for being profound. But we Calvinists need not always rewind so far. Truth is, there was a time when we were not Christians. When we were dead in our sins, under Satan’s sway and God’s wrath, unwilling and unable to love the Lord (Ephesians 2:1-3). It’s OK to acknowledge […]
Yesterday was a somber day for every student of New Testament Greek. Arguably the world’s foremost Greek lexicographer, Frederick W. Danker, passed away at the age of 91. In the world of New Testament studies there are a number of “giants” who stand shoulders above their peers. Professor Danker was one of those giants. For many, he will forever be known as the “D” in the acronym BDAG: Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich. Published in […]
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