The older I’ve become, the more my interests have changed. Actually, let’s use a better word than changed. I’ll be a little audacious and say “matured.” Gone are the days where my thoughts and day-dreams were occupied pondering how to beat the boss of the Goron Mountain Dungeon in “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.” And so are the afternoons when I ran around imagining myself in an F-22 Fighter jet, pulverizing global evil […]
January 22nd marked the 39th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. In the nearly four decades since the decision was handed down, how has the discussion surrounding the subject changed? Abortion has been and remains a hot button political issue the entire time, with a politician’s position on the issue serving as something of a litmus test for how conservative they are. In more conservative districts and states it’s nearly impossible to get […]
I can recall growing up being told that I should avoid ‘looking like the World.’ The idea was more assumed than ever really explained. Consistently though I was told I was out of line in regards to music. At the Christian school I attended in Jr. High and High School we were told that electrical instruments were evil; the most vile of all being the drums. The problem was that I was a budding electric […]
One night a few years ago, I was reading through Romans and stumbled upon an extraordinary command from Paul’s pen: Rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15). I’d read it before, even quoted it, but something stood out this time. Struck by its simplicity and its strangeness, I considered this verse a challenge—a serious, sin-killing challenge. Something I wanted to master. How does one live out such a command? What does it look like? How […]
Although touched upon earlier this week at the Cities, the blogosphere has seen a slew of posts and comments regarding the 39th anniversary of Roe V Wade. As you can see from our blog roll, fellows such as Albert Mohler and John Piper at Desiring God (either themselves or through their ministry teams) have offered some thoughts on the anniversary (by the way, thank you to those who have read an commented on Thursday’s post related to the […]
Before my title causes you to misunderstand my position, I want to say a few things. I like guns. I really do. It is part of the reason that I have a concealed weapons permit. More then that, I believe in self-defense. If someone enters my home to harm either myself or my soon to be wife, I will dispense the appropriate deadly force. Yet my belief in the use of force in one area […]
Abortion. These three syllables pack about as much controversy, emotion, and upheaval as about any three can. And for those following the news, “abortion” took to the headlines as our nation marked the passing of the 39th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Weighing in, our nation’s executive leader offered some blogosphere bubbling words on the historic milestone (see hyperlink within quotation for more): “And as we remember this historic anniversary, we must also continue our […]
Yesterday the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for their annual awards show. It marked the end of the prognostication season and ushered in the season of bemoaning the films and performances that were overlooked in the various categories. One film that was overlooked is Steve McQueen’s “Shame.” Many who follow Hollywood’s awards circuit had projected a Best Actor nomination for the film’s lead, Michael Fassbender. Fassbender, whose work earned him […]
Introduction In my last post I addressed Karl Barth’s use of the term “Seinsweise” or modes of being. In this post I will look at the other two aspects of Barth’s doctrine of the trinity; his use of logos asarkos to distinguish the second person of the Trinity, and his concept of God being in threefold repetition. Logos Asarkos Now that the problem of Barth’s use of the term modes of being has been addressed […]
Dear Bryan, You’re probably at the piano, writing songs about things you know nothing about, like love and loss. Or doing vocal warm-ups so you can audition for that blasted show choir. (Don’t bother. You won’t make it until your senior year, and when you do, you’ll become a bigger nerd than you already are.) I do hope you’ll find time for this letter. I’m writing from the future, of course, to warn you about […]
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