“…historic Reformed doctrines affirm a sharp distinction between the church as the non-violent kingdom of Christ and the sword bearing, coercive state. Hence, the state is not and cannot be the kingdom of Christ and… the demise of Christendom can be celebrated rather than mourned.” This quote from David VanDrunen in his book Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms will strike much of contemporary evangelicalism as nothing short of appalling. How can any real Christian […]
…A manger was His Throne. From “Rise and Shine” by Andrew Peterson The aforementioned lyric from Andrew Peterson serves as a great illustration of the paradox that is “God with us.” Stop and think about that for a minute: God with us. Not God for us, or God near us; God with us! If that does not stir your heart to worship and awe check you pulse. With that said, it is that time of […]
Don’t worry, this exercise won’t involve an hour sweating on the stair-master… Today, many of us in North America[1] prepare for the annual traditions associated with plump and tender turkey, cranberries and gravies of countless varieties, and yammy, applely, and pumpkin side dishes with enough to cover a table with enough calories to power the launch of the next mars land rover. Yet despite the hustle in the kitchen, we can’t escape the namesake of […]
In September of 1620, a small ship left England headed for the New World carrying 102 passengers. The ship, as any attentive first grader can tell you, was called the Mayflower. Sixty-six days after their journey began, having overshot their intended destination near the Hudson River, they landed near Cape Cod in modern-day Massachusetts. It was November. Seeing as they had no central heating systems and no houses in which to put these central heating systems if […]
I don’t know about you but advertisements bug me. It’s not so much the fact that they exist, but the methods used. I have often tried to corner my buddies studying Business Marketing into admitting that they specialize in deception, lightheartedly of course. But what particularly annoys me is when advertisements do not indicate anything about the product. From my analysis (merely as a consumer) I have begun to group various types of marketing strategies […]
We are less than a year away from the 2012 presidential elections and I suspect that I am not the only one who often finds political pontification in Christian circles (right, left or otherwise) to be an obscene bore. But it’s not just Christian circles. It’s every circle. What makes political discourse so confusing is that a solid foundation of social theory is largely lacking for the vast majority of voters. That includes Christian voters. […]
Many of us know Job 19 because, if we know anything of the actual Joban dialogue, we know Job 19:23-27. It is the most famous passage from the book. In the text Job states his belief that a day will come when he will physically see God after his death. Over the past couple of weeks, I have looked at Job and how he points to the true man of sorrows, Jesus Christ. I plan […]
When Karl Barth, one of the sharpest and most significant theological minds of the 20th century, was asked towards the end of his life to try to summarize all that he had learned and written in his volumes of writing and career in academia, he responded with this: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” J.I. Packer writes, “you sum up the whole New Testament teaching in a single phrase, if […]
The first rule at The Two Cities is, You must write about biblical manhood. The second rule at The Two Cities is, You must write about biblical manhood. This website has dedicated more posts to the subject of biblical manhood than any other subject. First Ryan did an excellent series on the topic, examining the biblical manhood movement from a number of different angles. Then John offered a helpful insight to the fact that some in […]
This week the new issue of the Westminster Theological Journal was made available. I am grateful to have been able to contribute to the esteemed Reformed journal and I thought I’d provide a brief summary of my new article. If you’re interested in reading it the full bibliographic details are: “David’s Tent as Temple in Amos 9:11-15: Understanding the Epilogue of Amos & Considering Implications for the Unity of the Book,” Westminster Theological Journal 73.2 […]
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