Job is my favorite book of the bible. In some ways, this is a bit terrifying. Something in the back of my mind tells me that liking the book of Job so much might not be such a good idea. I say this because if you are always pondering the book of Job, then it seems likely that God will eventually have to test you like Job, to insure that you really do “understand” the […]
“Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world.” This quote, posted by Mark Zuckerberg in tribute to Steve Jobs on the day of his passing last week, makes a pretty incredible statement: Steve Jobs qualifies to be remembered as a person of such influence, that he can go down in history as a “world changer.” In fact, the Apple Board of Directors, in their released comments, says “the world is immeasurably better […]
It’s estimated that there are over 2,000 churches in America that employ the multi-site model in some form. What are their reasons for doing so and is there biblical support for this decision? Browsing through the web for proponents of the multi-site church model reveals a number of arguments in favor of multi-site that are also true of church planting. Indeed the main reason churches decide to multiply sites seems to be to deal with growth. And the […]
I say kind of because I’m very inconsistent. On the one hand I enjoy movies about famous wars or war heroes (Gladiator, The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan), I like some violent video games (Halo, Call of Duty), and I have complete respect for those who are willing to support their country and subject themselves to the terrors of war. Yet, I can’t help but feel like the ethics of Jesus are incompatible with […]
Over the past month or so, I have been making my way through the book of Jeremiah. Sometimes I read through a number of chapters and at other times, something sticks with me from the text and I can’t get past a few verses. This happened about a week and a half ago as I read Jeremiah chapter 31. More specifically, Jeremiah 31:1-6. I am just now starting to move beyond the text, but for […]
On October 5th, the world has begun to mourn the loss of one of its most creative innovators, tenacious entrepreneurs, and iconic figureheads in the passing of Steve Jobs. From the petri-dish of creativity that was a silicon valley garage, Jobs constructed a company that competes with Exxon-Mobil for the largest market capitalization. Obama has spoken for many in reminding us that we have lost a visionary, and perhaps one of the most successful exemplifications […]
Over the course of the next few weeks I’ll be looking at multi-site churches. They represent an increasingly popular phenomenon, aided in no small part by advances in technology. In this first installment, we’ll look briefly at what multi-site churches are, with future installments looking at the arguments in favor of and against using such a medium as a way of doing church. First off, let’s define the terms. According to The Multi-Site Church Revolution, […]
We all know Wright has received a bad wrap from many conservative Christians over the years. I can remember being introduced to Wright’s view on Justification in a context in which I was told how detrimental his ideas were. Furthermore, one of the most influential figures for my theological thinking, John Piper, wrote an extensive rebuttal to N. T. Wright with The Future of Justification. Throughout the blogosphere there are many critical reviews of Wright’s work, […]
I recently had a pastor tell me that the in-depth, formal study of what is commonly called “systematic theology” would be a waste of my time and would not have a real benefit for the church. When I tried to engage yet another pastor in discussion about theology he remarked flatly, “theology is boring.” Both of these men hold advanced theological degrees. I am quite certain that these men are not isolated in their sentiments. […]
The biblical manhood series that I have been working on since the beginning of the blog comes to a conclusion in this post. I don’t have any jaw dropping critiques that will likely cause major disagreement; at least, I sure hope I don’t. In my last post, I laid out some points that I think are important for under shepherds to consider as they help men become more biblical men. I argued that changing economic […]
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